



My Sensation Map- East London

來英國一周後,朋友知道我有街頭擺攤的經驗,便分享給我東倫敦假日市集的擺攤資訊;分享攤位資訊的女孩叫Amber,旅行、流浪過很多地方,是以畫漢娜刺青(Hanna Tattoo)為主街頭藝人。和她聯絡上之後,我們相約在週六,直接在東倫敦的市集見面。

東倫敦 城市就是最好的畫布


擺攤的周六,我比預定碰面的時間還早出發,試圖在附近遇見一些牆面壁畫。地鐵站出口等我的是一間舊教堂改建而成的畫廊,胡亂轉了幾條街,還來不及了解地理位置,已掉入一張巨大的畫作迷宮。在這,各種塗鴉的形式都有,有直接噴漆作畫的,有用模板噴漆的(Stencil graffiti),海報黏貼(wheatpaste post)的手法也不少,最普遍的是自製貼紙(sticker),黏貼在牆上各大大小小物件上。塗鴉作品散落在大街、小巷各個角落,有些在商店與商店的牆面間,有些含括整棟三層樓的牆面。最令我意外的是,當腳步一轉彎,映入眼簾的停車場,在經過多次覆蓋後已完全看不出原來牆面的樣子,儼然變成街頭藝術的展覽場。


迷走在有如畫作迷宮的紅磚巷(Brick lane),輾轉跟著人群轉進了市集。本來以為市集是個露天大廣場,殊不知市集藏身在三、四棟感覺有百年歷史的紅磚建築裡。每棟建築中的市集都有不同的名字,例如: Backyard Market主要是設計師的創作作品,包含著運用織品、木器、瓷器…等多樣的創作材料,及插畫家的繪畫作品為主的市集;Sunday Upmarket 和 Vintage Market 則有較多異國料理的攤位,從中東到中南美洲,各種國家的食物在這邊都找得到。這樣的室內市集,我想也因應英國多雨又寒冷的氣候,提昇了讓人想走走的慾望。建築物外的一些零散空地,也聚集著不少臨時攤位。

到了和Amber約定的市集-Sunday Upmarket,找到了我們的攤位後,就趕緊把畫具和招牌布置等待客人上門。一整天下來,畫的肖像不多,反而和Amber聊了許久,很巧的是我們都上同一間大學,只是時期不同,也聽她敘述好多精彩的旅行、擺攤故事和計畫。不久後,朋友的到訪,她的、我的、我們的朋友都聚集在這,不禁讓我回憶起,在澳洲伯斯街頭擺攤,總是有很多朋友路過,就聊在一起。雖然室內少了豔陽和高溫,但這裡,有不一樣的溫度。

A week after my arrival in England, a friend learned aboutmy experiences in selling on the street, and she shared mewith information about being a vendor at the East London
Holiday Markets. Her name is Amber. She’s been to various places, and she’s a street rtist that does Hanna Tattoo.We scheduled to meet on Saturday at the market.

East London- The city is the best canvas
East London is at the North-East of downtown London. It is full of holiday markets, rtists, designers’ studios, distinctive shops and bars. The artistic vibe nurtures a variety of graffiti.
On the Saturday that we were supposed to set up our stall, I left earlier for our meeting in order to bump into some graffitis around that neighborhood. At the exit of the tube station, a gallery that was previously an old church awaited me. I took a few pontaneous turns unknowingly and without knowing my geographic location, I had entered the ealm of a gigantic art maze. Graffiti was presented in any possible form here. Spray-painted graffiti, stencil graffiti, and also wheatpaste posts were common.
The most regular ones were stickers that were all over the place. Graffiti art scattered among the streets, alleys and in ever corner. Some were on the walls of stores. Some were massive that covered a three-story wall. To my surprise as I turned to see a parking lot, of which the original wall surface completely vanished under layers and layers of coverage. It was indeed a showroom for street art.
The Market of Absolute Liberty
歡迎臉書搜尋: Wanderlust Amber 安柏不在家
