文/黃書萍 照片提供/三楼日常物
0918 834 549 FB:三楼日常物 3rdfloor Studio (店面永久歇業)
彰化市長安街76巷7-2號2樓 2F., No.7-2, Ln. 76, Chang’an St., Changhua City, Changhua County 500, Taiwan

十年練一劍 磨了一間店
三楼 就是我的日常
在台灣這幾年開始流行「選物店」一詞,選物店似乎與日本通稱的生活雜貨、或街市所見的書局、(九九、小北)賣場,也有所不同,或許多數人會認為這是間禮品店,但以我來說,日常物就是日常生活所需要的物品,如:書寫物品、飲食器、旅行背包…等,這些商品就我而言,價格不是進入三楼的條件,更重要的是商品的特色是否迷人,例如:店內有款台灣設計的HMM Mugr 木柄杯,杯身由陶藝家將泥漿釉加上瓷土燒製,其表層用噴漿方式製成如鑄鐵般的質地,握柄結合胡桃木,讓使用杯子更有手作的溫度、圓潤的手感;而這樣讓自己一用再用的日常,也就是三楼日常物。
在生活用品的工作中,常常訴說品牌的故事、商品的故事,雖有些時候能提及自己與商品相遇的枝微末節,但表達自己的想法仍是少的;因此看著各種品牌的故事、說著故事,也突然發現時間正記錄下我的故事。在中國生活的那段時間,我領養了四隻流浪貓,起初領養第一隻貓咪時,我仔細的打點牠一切需要,包含貓砂、飲食、生活空間,起初的頭半年,我的貓-「米醬」從不理我,讓我從難過到相伴不理,然而半年過後的某一天,當我坐在沙發上,牠的雙手自然的搭在我的大腿上,驚訝的我,那時候忽然明白「牠依賴我信任我,也撫慰了我的心」雖然看似我付出、我養牠,但其實牠也在養我。爾後,我將牠養我、安撫我的這一刻,希望換做一杯茶的時間,因此與台灣自然農法的茶農合作,將農法與土地自然共生的法則,「茶農種茶 土地養茶」兩者相依存的概念傳遞給更多人,當你也餵養的時候,也是被餵養之時。
期許 有一日成為社區的日常

My Daily Life in 3rd Floor Studio
Interviewee/ Store Manger Pillar Interviewer and Editor/ Daniella
It took me ten years to open a store
Having opened a store in Changhua, I am frequently asked all kinds of why questions. Why in Changhua? Why a select shop? Rewinding it all back to 2007, I departed for China alone to join a newly established team selling home accessories. My role in the team was an artistic designer. I remember my manager at the time said to me, “Take what you’re designing here as an execution of your attitude towards life. You are sharing yourattitude through marketing, visualization and planning.” At the age back then, I was so full-on energetic and curious about new things as I started my career in the field of home accessories.
Unfortunately, the company I worked for closed down its store in two years as I was only starting to get involved in the industry. Albeit reluctant, I decided that I wanted to have my own store one day. Meanwhile, based on my personal preference in lifestyle products, I joined Taobao, the online platform in China that was just starting to prosper at the time.
It was not a hasty decision but a realization of an item on mywish list
Recalling the eight years I stayed in China, I started my own business on Taobao as soon as I left the previous company. I was a one-man operation. I did everything myself from selecting products (contacting designers or studios), putting products on shelf (artistic editing, product and brand introduction), selling (sales promotion) and product delivery (customer relationship maintenance). Though the nature of the job made me more experienced, decisive and perceptive, I longed for colleagues to work and hang out with. I felt lonely managing the one-man e-commerce operation. Also because I was starting to get homesick after a long time living in China, I decided to come back to Taiwan in 2016 and opened 3rd Floor Studio.
3rd Floor Studio is my daily life
In recent years, the term “select shop” is increasingly popular in Taiwan. Select shops are different from the general commodity stores in Japan, bookstores or supermarkets we commonly see on the streets in Taiwan. Many people consider a select shop as gift shop. However, I think products in select shops are not pricy gifts but daily commodities like stationeries,utensils, traveler’s backpack, etc. To me, price is not an issue to be considered. What’s important is whether the product is desirable. For instance, the Mugr of HMM, a mug made of matte glazed ceramic with a walnut handle is something of craftsmanship and an extra sense of warmth, but it is also designed for daily use. This is the spirit of 3rd Floor Studio.
Start telling stories from daily lives
My job requires me to speak or write about stories of a brand or product. Sometimes but quite rarely, I get to tell my personal story of encountering certain products. As I was reading and telling stories, I realized that my story was simultaneously being told by the procession of time. During my stay in China, I adopted four stray cats. I dedicated such care to the first cat Mijian but sadly, it ignored me for the first six months it took shelter under my roof. I was frustrated but gave in to the situation and started ignoring it as well. One day, as I was sitting on the sofa, Mijian spontaneously placed its hands on my lap. It dawned on me at the moment that I have its trust, and that it will continue to comfort me. Though it appeared that I was the person providing for it, it also provided for me. This special realization inspired me to collaborate with Taiwanese tea farmers that abide by natural farming. I want to promote the concept of natural coexistence, the mutually dependent relationship of tea farmers who grow tea and the land that nourishes tea plants. When you provide, you are also being provided.
I hope to become part of the community’s daily life
I didn’t choose Hsinchu, my hometown, the place that I am familiar with to open my store. I was frequently asked whether I am from Changhua. Indeed, I am not. Yet, the decision of coming to Changhua did not seem as intimidating as the decision I made going to China. Rather, I feel like a pioneer that came with an open mind to learn about Changhua’s culture. Sometimes residents in Xiaoxi Street would visit 3rd Floor and take a look at the goods. Although they tend to surprise me with their enthusiasm (like picking up delicate goods placed in glass cabinets rather spontaneously…), they always identify with the genius designs after some elaboration made on the products they just examined. Through the kind of friendly interaction, 3rd Floor is gradually becoming part of the community’s daily life, a placewhere residents and visitors alike can casually pop in.