一家咖啡小店的誕生總有他的故事| Tzemdas Kaffa 手作.獨立思考咖啡

Tzemdas Kaffa 獨立思考咖啡

這裏聚集一群獨立有趣的朋友與夥伴 咖啡師 花藝師 甜點師 廚師 婚禮主持 舞者 室內設計師 個人工作室 有趣的空間一起創造有趣的事

FB:Tzemdas Kaffa


1 F Tzemdas Kaffa 獨立思考咖啡1 F Bibobobibabibuba 早午餐(預計五月)

2 F Tzemdas Flower 花藝工作室2 F 瑪尼沉香 蝸牛之奔 工作室

3 F Tzemdas Dance Studio 舞蹈教室


Q1 是什麼樣的機會在彰化開店?


Q2 開店前從事什麼工作?


Q3 「 Tzemdas Kaffa 手作.獨立思考咖啡」店名與老闆有著什麼關聯?


Q4 店內菜單設計上,除了咖啡品項,也特別注意到蘋果肉桂熱壓三明治、花生棉花糖三明治,這些品項是老闆有特別去學習、或是何得來的靈感而放在菜單上?

店老闆:我另一位夥伴JOEY,開店前一年在西澳伯斯的咖啡廳裡當BARISTA,在當初開發菜單時,加入了很多在國外所接觸到的飲食文化,因此店內除了三明治, 義式咖啡也有屬於澳洲的元素喔 !

Q5 2016開店的這一年,相對於沒開店之前自己與彰化有著什麼不同的發現嗎?


Q6 近幾年彰化常談的鐵路高架議題,如果有一天自強路平交道不見了,你們覺得會有什麼影響?


Q7 獨立思考咖啡即將開店周年了,新的一年對自己的店有什麼期待或想法嗎?

店老闆:默默的覺得時間好快,看著洗碗槽的日子居然快一年了,希望未來我的店能更完整,更接近當初開店時的幻想 。首先是先能安穩的生存下來 ,除了出一杯有品質的好咖啡,可以更無後顧之憂的辦活動 (遠目 :旅咖啡、白色方塊、紅葉食趣 ),花藝相關的部份能在明年大放異彩(目前花小編POLLY正在台中晴天花藝練功),能跟社區裡的居民更緊密的結合(其實我是想選里長….) 身邊夥伴們的夢想也都能透過彼此的幫忙加速實現。

Q1. How did you come to open a cafe in Changhua?
Tzemdas Kaffa : I decided to open a store when I was in a state of self preparation. Before, I didn’t know how to make coffee. Actually, I initially wanted to open a juice bar. During the time of my self exploration, I started to learn about coffee. I started from the China Youth Corps (CYC) and then learned to make coffee at cafes in Taipei and Chiayi. Then I realized that without an espresso machine, I would never be able to practice making coffee properly. Afterwards there was this opportunity that I bought a second-hand espresso machine, so I started to practice making espresso, steaming milk and making latte art along with like-minded friends of similar interests. Therefore, I came to the decision of opening a cafe in my own house.

Q2. What was your occupation prior to the cafe?
Tzemdas Kaffa : I majored in international business. After graduation, I naturally got into a bank to work as a clerk. I was also a ballroom dancer. I started ballroom dancing in university through student club participation. To me, dancing is such a delightful thing to do. It’s more than just a hobby. I continue teaching, participating in contests and many ballroom dance related events after I graduated.

Q3. What is the relevance between the name of the cafe, Tzemdas Kaffa (Independent Thinking in Chinese) and you,the owner?
Tzemdas Kaffa : Tzemdas means dawn in Paiwan language. I want my cafe to be able to give energy and warmth like dawn. As for the Chinese name of my cafe, “independent” and “thinking” are two words that I personally relate to a lot. Once I heard Tsai Pao Chang of Tainan Jen Theatre at TED Talks said, “Courage is irrelevant. What’s relevant is whether or not you have thought it through. If you have thought it through, just do.”This is what I want to convey to you all with my cafe.

Q4. I noticed from the menu that other than coffee, you offer cinnamon apple hot pressed sandwich and peanut butter marshmallow sandwich. Did you specifically learn how to make these, and where does the inspiration come from?
Tzemdas Kaffa : My business partner Joey was a barista in Perth a year before this. When we were designing our menu, we incorporated a large portion of foreign dining culture. Other than the sandwiches, our espressoalso contains a bit of the Aussie taste!

Q5. Did you notice anything different in Changhua after the opening of your cafe in 2016?
Tzemdas Kaffa : Before I returned to open this cafe, I had been away for more than ten years, studying and working. Changhua to me was not so much a place I feel related to. Even at the time when I moved back from Taipei to help with my dad’s business in Changhua, I felt like I was a Taipei person. I always returned to Taipei when I clocked off or had my day off. Now that I have this cafe that brings together costumers in this neighborhood, it feels like a space for exchanges. Some customers do language exchange here. Some customers take this space as a relay station of their lives. I gradually learn about the place of my origin, and I feel like I can have genuine exchanges with people freely here.

Q6. Recently, people talk a lot about the issue of elevating railway. What impact do you see if one day, the railway crossing on Ziqiang Road disappeared?
Tzemdas Kaffa : As a cafe, I don’t see much difference. Over the past decades we reside in this area. Both sides of the railway crossing are part of our daily lives. It only takes a few minutes to cross. Life seems not so much always in a rush. But to look at the issue from the perspective of urban development, it would be nice to use the budget to maintain historical sites and buildings instead of elevating the railway. Through the restoration and transformation of historical buildings, we can make Changhua unique
instead of a city that stays the same throughout time.

Q7. Tzemdas Kaffa is soon celebrating its one-year-old birthday. What are your expectations and thoughts for the coming year?
Tzemdas Kaffa : Time really flies! Can’t believe that I’ve been doing dishes for a year now. I hope that in the future my cafe can be more fully-equipped and well-rounded like what I imagined initially. First thing first, we need to be able to survive stably. In addition to offering quality coffee, I want to be able to organize events without too much worries (Looking up to Trip Cafe, WhiteCube and RedLeaf Cafe). We also hope to yield brilliant results in our flora designs as well. (Polly, the flora artist of Tzemdas Kaffa is
currently at Clean Day Flower Design studio picking up more skills.) I hope we can more closely connect with residents of this neighborhood (well I’ll think about running for chief of village…), and the partners we have can realize their dreams with one another’s help.

白色方塊也想說…. White Cube’s note:


We visited Tzemdas Kaffa for the interview that night. After we ordered, the owner
of the cafe prepared some tea out of hospitality. From weighing, filing hot water,soaking the tea to pouring tea into cups, you can see his dedication to the making of this cup of honey fl avor black tea, during which, he still managed to greet and make small talks with customers. During our interview, the owner would easily recall the usual orders of the regulars that just walked in. It is an unique, solid sense of warmth of Tzemdas Kaffa. It’s defi nitely a cafe worth crossing the railway for!
