Blooming liiustration Exhibition 綻放創作展
生命 有著很多質感


Q1. What inspired you to start creating art?
SEVEN:I fancied drawing when I was little, and I usually leaned on thetable to draw, creating two pieces of drawing (one on the paper and oneon my face). I skipped school when I was in fi fth grade in elementary school,and had never held a painting brush ever since. And then Marfan syndromehappened. The fourth surgery on my eye turned out unsuccessful. My righteye was blind and left eye with 20/200 vision left. The urge to once again start painting continuously reminds me of my fear of confi nement in the ark. In 2010, I started painting again. My vision was blurred so I could not work on details. During the early stages, I would often apply a thick layer of black to my fi nished work. After collisions and adjustments, outrageous colors are finally able to freely bloom on my canvas.
Q2. Is there anything that left a strong impression during your art creating process?
SEVEN:Creating art to me, a person who suffers from illness around the clock, is cure. When illness outbreaks, I am confi ned to my bed. I can barely hold my brush, and I feel trapped in depression for not being able to break free from pain. My hands are weak, but holding a brush allows my messy mind to find peace. A pure white drawing paper that does not intend to compete or show off. Unconsciously brushing, or consciously composing.
Every piece of my work is a special remedy. No one knows what tomorrow is going to be like, and only if you keep proceeding will you get to the answer. It applies to art creation, and life in general as well.
Q3. Among all the works in this exhibition, is there one particular piece that you would like to share and elaborate on?
SEVEN:This is it is a self portrait. I painted it when I was devastated by a bad breakup. I am an emotional person, but never shed tears in front of anyone. I bury my sorrows deep habitually, so deep that sometimes I feel like weeping but had no tears. As I grow up, I have been through many, including sorrow, and I gradually came to realize that tears do not stand for weakness. The color of tears can vary. Everything comes to an end, so does sadness. I have learned when to let go and be aloof, break free of any emotional or unfortunate bondings. Weep like a baby, and laugh like I have never laughed before. By doing so, I am fi nally free.
Q4. What would you like to say to the visitors to your exhibition in one sentence?
SEVEN:You decide what colors you would like to put on your canvas, so will you defi ne your life.

About the Artist
Taiwan’s first street artist who suffers from rare diseases
She has Marfan syndrome, which affects her eyesight, bones and cardiac function. She’s extraordinarily tall and thin. Having survived eight surgeries and suffered from numerous discrimination and illness, she now possesses such toughness that she is
not afraid of any troubles.