好好寫字 好好畫畫 | 愛治文具房
文/黃書萍 照片提供/愛治文具房
彰化市長安街76巷7-2號1樓 1F., No.7-2, Ln. 76, Chang’an St., Changhua City 500, Taiwan

採訪整理 / Daniella 受訪 / 愛智文具房-斐柔、柏花
還記得兩年前,江湖上傳言「你知道小西街開了間文具店」、「小西街有間從台北下來的設計工作室」、「聽說小西街有一間以阿嬤名子命名的愛治文具」…伴隨著江湖傳言,不入愛治,怎能說是彰化人呢?! 今日就來與愛治聊天吧~
柏花:當大學求學期間自己的創作形式,漸漸有固定風格之時,回想這一路以來,不論從小在家庭、朋友、以至於現在大學同學多數都是女性,自己的精神支柱也是女性。因此想要經由自己的畫筆,有組織的畫下女性的個性風格,這想法越來越強烈,也成形畢業製作的企劃「女子亥」,將女生身上自然散發的一百種樣貌,特色風格融合到自己的創作裡,在這講求獨特的時代 找尋自己的個性。期望你能成為所追求的那位-風格女孩
斐柔:「好好寫字 好好畫畫 」,現代人真的太喜歡拍照與自拍,我們想傳遞文具抒寫的使用,更甚過經由拍照留下歷史見證。

Two years ago, rumors about a stationery store spread.
“Did you know that a stationery store just opened in Xiaoxi Street?” “A designer studio moved from Taipei to Xiaoxi Street.” “I heard that there is a stationery store named after the owner’s grandmother in Xiaoxi Street.”
1.What inspired you two sisters to collaborate on Sweet Life?
Feirou: Prior to the opening of Aiya Bungu, Bofa and I were already working together on Sweet Life. We call it a collaborated brand, but more precisely, we operate respectively on the separation of tasks. Bofa founded Sweet Life when she was in university. She exchanged in Beijing in her junior year, and I was studying in Kaohsiung at the time. One day, I received a package full of “Sweet Life” products. Perhaps it was the moment that I officially became a business partner. I am in charge of everything except designing.
2. Sweet Life features illustrations of girls. What is the mentality of these creations?
Bofa: When I was starting to develop a fixed artistic style in university, I quickly reviewed my life and realized that my close friends from childhood and my classmates in university at the time were mostly female. I also look up to female role models. The idea to depict female characteristics and styles in a well-organized manner became more and more vivid. I first implemented my ideas into my senior project “Girl” featuring 100 distinctive female characteristics, and through the incorporation of female attributes into my art, I came to identify my own characteristics. May you be the girl of character whom you aspire to become.
3. You were studying and managing an original brand in another city. Why did you come back to your hometown?
Feirou: Changhua is where we grew up. It hasn’t changed much throughout the whole time. As we grew older and have traveled and visited a number of places, it seemed that Changhua lacks vitality. We then decided to open a stationery store back home to bring something new to the city. We opened Aiya Bungu where customers can find products of Sweet Life and some designer brands that we like.
4. What is the meaning of the store’s title “Aiya Bungu”?
Feirou: Aiya Bungu is a room full of stationeries. Aiya is my grandmother’s name. Our parents were busy when we were little, so for many years, we lived with our grandparents. My grandmother taught me principles of life. I learned that treating people and handling matters with a keen heart is the utmost important thing. My grandmother is 93 years old now, and she is still very healthy. I hope this stationery store can continuously be with people in Changhua just like grandma Aiya is.
5. Hipster stores and select shops are becoming more and more common. What do you say about Aiya Bangu’s originality?
Feirou: Stationeries available in Aiya Bungu are not just products that we really like. In fact, these are the exact stationeries that we use. These notebooks, stickers, fountain pens and others all represent our character and spirit. Bofa regularly issues an “Aiya Painting News” featuring different stationeries with specifications. This is how we interact with people who come to Aiya Bungu.
6. For the past two years since Aiya Bungu opened, isthere anything that has left you with a particularly strongimpression?
Feirou: Aiya Bungu is situated right across the train station, so a lot of people will pass by Aiya Bungu on their way to work or home. Many of our friends, classmates gradually consider Aiya Bungu as their second home or an after-work resting stop. They would stop by to chat with us for a bit before going home. Somehow, Aiya Bungu became a place where friendships are maintained. Meanwhile, we’ve always wanted to connect people through writing. This mentality has gradually influence friends around us to pick out cards on holidays or special occasions, write down something and send them to friends. The recipient will feel extra warm for getting handwritten cards.
7. Would you like to say something to customers of Aiya Bungu?
Feirou: “Invest in writing and drawing.” Modern people now take way too many pictures and selfies. We want to let people know that records created with the utilization of stationeries are far more precious and meaningful than digital photos.
8. What product in Aiya Bungu would you most highly recommend?
Feirou: In online stores or other stores we collaborated with, “Girl Stickers” are only available in set packages, but you can pick whatever sticker you like individually in Aiya Bungu. There are about 200 different stickers. You can search for the one that resembles your characteristics the most. A lot of customers also come to find the one for their friends.
WhiteCube’s Note:
Aiya Bungu was founded in 2015. Two years later, we are having this conversation in Aiyu Bungu’s brand new site next door. The sisters may have described Aiya Bungu’s development in a simple and concise manner, but in between the lines, the dedication is apparent. Outsiders may easily comment on their seemingly effortless success, but we know that everything that is today is the result of persistent hard work. Come write in Aiya Bungu!