沒有事實 只有詮釋( To Hide Something)」
2016 CROTER Solo Exhibition沒有事實, 只有詮釋 『詮釋』是植入意義,而不是『說明』。 所謂『事實』並不存在,萬物皆流,皆不可理解,難以捉摸。 尼采 Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche


CROTER:這次展覽中我特別想要去推薦 『耳的想像I』 這幅作品,耳朵是一個不能拒絕訊息的器官,你聽到甚麼感覺好惡,幾乎都由大腦判斷,光是這點,就跟我的展覽主題相契合了。仔細去想想耳朵可能是最不帶成見的受體器官,產生的卻是最帶著成見的意識。
Q1. What motivates and sustains you to be an independent artist instead of a commercially fi nanced designer?
CROTER:I personally believe that it is important to constantly challenge and extend my existing visual mentality so as to maintain my graphic sensitivity. It is the case not just in illustration but also any graphic related jobs. My method is to embrace the information explosion outwards while exploring inwards among the ideas that had settled in my mind. The concept is to visualize my thoughts by illustration. Interestingly, each attempt leads to various results (of course I’m not talking about monetary result).
Q2. In light of your latest creation, what role does Nietzsche play that inspires you?
CROTER:As I mentioned previously, I often come across weird items when I explore inwards, like things that have become physically unrecognizable in my mind. While pondering over these items buried deep inside my head, I’d seek answers in philosophical books (However, the action of answer seeking itself is wrong). Nietzsche and existentialism often put a stop to my endless search of non-existing answers and inspire me to turn to think about the essence of myself. The process actually echoes my personal thoughts as well.
Q3. Among all the works on display in this exhibition, which particular piece would you like to share with us? Why?
CROTER: I would especially want to recommend “The Imagination of the Ear”.Ear is an organ that is incapable of rejecting messages. You hear, you receive, and the preference is all up to your brain to judge. This notion alone is exactly what my exhibition is trying to convey. Think about it. Your ear might be the least judgmental recipient of your body, yet it generates the most judgmental consciousness.
Q4. Would you like to say something to the visitors to your exhibition in one sentence?
CROTER:I’d like to quote Nietzsche. “When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
FB:Croter Illustration & Design Studio

主題:沒有事實 只有詮釋To Hide Something
創作者:CROTER Solo Exhibition
座談時間:2017/1/8 sun. 14:00 對談人/鄭景文具店
展覽地點:White CUBE CAFE 白色方塊咖啡&工作室