旅途風景 –走路的人 Scenery on the way- Walkers

I want to be able to move freely in my city.
This town is called Treviso. The spotlight is on the city. All buildings and architectures are willing to turn down ontheir distinct edge in order to blend in. In light of the narrow streets, adaptive transportation derives. Our feet are never defeated. They take us to whatever remote destinations as we wish. Bikes are the best. They are able to dodge agilely with convenience. Buses are indispensable. They are the extended legs of regular citizens’ which take the elderlies, weak, women and children to adventures far-
off. On the streets, you see lovely looking trucks while at the same time charming motorbikes pass by. Everyone is heading towards different directions orderly with respect.
There is a variety of transportation in my city as well.However, they are buses that do not follow a particular timetable, cars that honk their horns impatiently, motorcycles that dash through the streets recklessly and roaming bicycles unpredictable like cats that have nine lives. To proceed safely in my city, or even to walk seems like too much to ask.
Only when we calm down to a peaceful state of mind then we start noticing then greeneries and inspiring window displays at the sides of the road. The quiet mobilization
of cars are the best decorations of the city. If you’re tired from the walk, take a rest on the bench aside and clear your mind for a bit. In a city like this, we’ve come to desire a nice cup of coffee, listen to some nice songs and watch a decent movie. Then, we go back to our positions being a good person that works hard, breathe properly and lead
a good life.
My city does not need railway elevation or acceleration. Why can’t we have it as it is originally? We can start changing the living pace with the people living here and
allow the coming generations to tell remarkable stories. I want to be able to move freely in my city in all possible ways in proceeding to a more beautiful future.