
【白色】,是點綴、是隨想的畫布、也是想暫停的空白畫面,想像的是絢爛或是寧靜的一景,就一起自在揮撒吧!!【方塊】,六個面構成的方體,有時是一棟房子、一台車、一個鞋盒、一個個在我們生活中出現的物品,在看似規矩的方塊中,卻也創造出更多無規無矩生活樂趣!!白色方塊工作室,一個空間,一個彼此分享、了解、傳遞的生活空間,生活在現實與想像世界中拉扯的設計師,透過一杯咖啡,一份創作的動能,將一個個生活的大小事,創作成各樣生活產品,走吧!!一起在前進的路上,擁有樂趣的生活 簡單的設計!




就從色彩學的角度來說說白色吧! 在色料中,白色是最純粹、原始乾淨的色彩;但在色光中,白色卻也是所有色光的總和。或許這也是我們對工作室不受限的期待。
再來談談CUBE方塊吧! 1pixel是網路所有圖像中最小的單位,無數的pixel結構堆疊編織出了千千萬萬張視覺的創意圖像,一個個小小小的方塊創作出無限大的可能。

「白色+方塊」 期待在加法設計的過程呈現色彩的無限可能,在減法設計的原則下體現生活中純粹的美學,希望這樣的概念呈現在我們的設計、我們的思維、我們的咖啡店。


工作室初期,透過組裝辦公室裏每一張桌子、椅子、書櫃…等的過程,忽然發現「組裝加上創意」這是工作室想要開發商品的方向,因此從型態設計、材料尋找、打樣、工廠洽談、試模…的過程, 第一個白色方塊概念商品「Mr. cube方塊人」也就默默的生了出來。當白色+方塊這樣的概念投入在商品上,就能夠讓玩家保有創意的空間,工作室好比扮演著畫布的角色,每個人都可以在方塊人身上找到自己的樣子。




When we first had this idea of launching White Post, it was a constant struggle between whether we want to share more about White Cube, or introduce a couple of local stores in Changhua. While the final decision is still unclear, allow me to share with you our own story first.

Where does White Cube come from?

Looking back in time as I sit in front of my computer now, it has been seven months and ten more so days since White Cube Cafe started serving. Earlier in 2012, Susan and I both ended our previous jobs, and we decided to move back from Taipei to Changhua in a sense that we were not very sure yet we really wanted, but we knew that we wanted to do something. That was how White Cube Studio got started.

What does “White Cube” stand for?

In color theory, white is the purest, cleanest color. However, white is also the mixture of all colored lights. Perhaps, this is what we expect of our studio, limitless.

Now, let’s talk about the “cube”. A pixel is the smallest unit in internet images which of large amount can create hundreds and thousands of visualized creativity. Such tiny bits in collaboration lead to unlimited possibilities.

White plus cube stands for our aspiration for the endless color mixing possibilities in plus thinking design, as well as the pure esthetics in life under the guidelines of minus thinking design. We hope to incorporate this concept into our designs, our mindsets and our cafe.

What does White Cube Studio do?

When we were putting up all the furnitures in our studio, it dawned on us that “assembling with creativity is what we wanted to go for in terms of product designs. From graphic design, the search for material, proofing, the communication with our manufacturer to mold testing and other more processes, the very first designed product of White Cube, Mr. Cube, was born. As the concepts of white and cube are incorporated into a product, it provides room for creativity for the buyers. We’d like to think of our studio as a canvas, enabling everyone to find out what they are via Mr. Cube.

What does White Cube Cafe’ do?

At the initial stage of our studio, we did not really think about opening up a store or a cafe. However, over the years we spent on organizing exhibitions and selling at open markets, the idea of having a space to showcase our products gradually grew stronger and desirable. Thus, the concept of white and the cube is infused into the interior design of our cafe with large coverage of whiteness, plain white walls and light brown furnitures. Additionally, with exhibitions, workshops and coffee all together as piled cubes, White Cube Cafe has carried out the concept of white plus cube and managed to settle down.

In merely seven months, White Cube has met numerous supporting customers and have developed precious friendships that showed us how lovable the city is. Our cafe is warm because of our customers and friends. Workshops and events that were not originally planned were gifts from the city. Perhaps we are uncertain of what White Cube is going to be like in ten years, but as long as we have you alongside the journey, it is definite that we shall be telling great stories on and on and on!


  • 活動企劃
  • 策展規劃
  • 視覺設計
  • 產品包裝
  • 企業識別系統
  • 咖啡館

